
But whether it be dream or truth, to do well is what matters. If it be truth, for truth's sake. If not, then to gain friends for the time when we awaken.
-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Do you know?
at 12hr 34minutes 56seconds on 7th of August this year,
the time and date will be 12:34:56 07/08/09--

fucking cool right?

so look up to the sky at that moment
because i will be sending my love to you,
unless you dont want it.

it's TGIF tmr:)
cheers to the long weekends.
and 2 more weeks to the 2 months holidays.
whoo hoo~

and and i finally gain a little weight:D

have you ever regret over something?
i do and it's too late for me.
and there's nothing i can do to make it up.
well,life still have to go on:D
tomorrow will be a better day.
i am hopeful.

    reginana 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()