yesterday, click 5 went out together again:))

enqi was not her usual self.

i guess she misses ah pui alott:))

click 5 has got 3 cave woman

cave woman no. 1 = regina

cave woman no.2 = enqi

cave woman no.3 = christina

who would be next??

there's this joke i want to share.

it's damn super funny.

we said this joke for numerous times.

yesterday we went to ochard dfs to see something~

enqi made a comment that just can't stop us from teasing her

she said : huh? nv bring passport how to go in?? i thought must have passport den can go.

obviously she has nv been there.

den we waited for aunty michelle to knocked off

we had fun~

same goes for today.

and i saw the french horn guy in sch~

today kimu is my hero.

she actually saved me.

that guuy freak me up.

while walking up the escalator, kim and i notice this guy presence.

he was standing somewhere near the escalator.den later he approached me.

he asked me where's the toilet and out of kindness, i pointed to him.

den he wanted to shake hand with me and said thanks.

out of politeness, i shaked.

den he ran away.

and shouted "what is your name?"

both of us were shocked. so she quickly pull me away.

i told kim, this guy must have watch alot of korean drama.

and he speakes loudly.


you might think it's nothing but i think it's really scary la

you noe i dislike shaking hand!


i like top.


after superjunior is oguri shun and now is top.

so total is 15:))

and i want november to come real soooooooooon.

based on what they said, i hope is true:))

see you this november:))


i like his pair of eyes and his smiles:))


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