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If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?
~Stephen Levine

hello long weekends:)
i have a contradicting mind.
addicted to twitter thanks to Ongsp.
3/4 happy days.
1/4 frustration.
inside joke, obama has a follower.

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the question what comes first?
egg or chicken?
it's boggle the mind,
without knowing what comes first.
but i'm kind of believe that nothing can come of nothing.

planned to go macau,hongkong or taiwan at the end of this year.

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rainbow tree.JPG

seriously i need a day out of the office.
i need a life.
i need to do some shopping.
i want to enjoy myself.
i feel like k-ing songs.
yet again!

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color Pictures, Images and Photos

it's wednesday already.
friday faster come:(
we still have 30 days.
and approximately 4 months to the HOLIDAYS!!!

uber tired today.
i realised i feel giddy especiallywhen i'm uber tired.

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used the company's email add to do all these stuff.
from 1pm to 5pm. non-stop hits
so cool yo.
that why we are always so "busy".
you will never know how dumb this woman is. HAHA

a couple of suay things happened this week.

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B-e-a-utiful Pictures, Images and Photos

slept the whole day.
terribly sick~
get well soon, regina!

syf is around the corner.
i hope i can get the ticket:P
and the raw proposal is up.

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i'm very very very very tired!
i'm gonna sleep as soon as i have write my love letter to dr tie.

today work is uber boring.
simply had nothing to do.
and i read 9 chapters of breaking dawn.
i'm so amazed by myself.

the steamboat is still inside my stomach.

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i'm happy.
i had surprise from my best friends.
i'm really very touch.

and my mp3 is alive already:)

holy shit.

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Lampost Pictures, Images and Photos

i hit the lampost today because of ong suping.
so retarded can.

40 more days to 29th May.
excluding weekends and PH.

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i'm 19 three quarter .
1/3 of my life spent waiting for something to happen......

i had this joint problem lately.
guess i'm really old already?
in just a few days.
so not looking forward to it.

and the idea of getting a mc tomorrow is just so tempting can.

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i saw this outside my window
and it's my first time:)


the hardest thing to do is lying, cos it hurts.

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i miss you so much Pictures, Images and Photos

i miss you.

where is all my friends?


everyday is a dreadful day.

speaking less than ten sentences a day?

what's wrong with me?

thank god, my breath doesnt stink.

but somehow i like it this way.


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today my supervisor was on mc.
which means i had nothing to do for the whole day.
which also means i read new moon for the whole day
which also means that i finished the book!
for once i'm a fast reader:)
i shall start reading eclipse tmr!!
and thanks tt kind soul for lending me the books

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today is friday 13th.
are you safe today?
i am.

reading has become my new hobby all thanks to twilight.
you just cant stop reading once you started it.
and i skipped lunch today just to read new moon.
i'm so in love with edward cullen now.
he become my new fiction hero:9
and i'm reading it in the internet.

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work non-stop since i reached the office:(

just like a workaholic. lol


i hope tmr will be a better day.

i want to faster start reading all the twilight series.

i'm so slow~ >.<


i heard all the songs already.

they are all awesome!!!!

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it's second day of iap already.
and there are 49 more days to go.
doing something that is not taught in school?
but it's kinda similar to ddi. just that they used lotus notes.
they said, we won't be doing much for the first 2 weeks.
but it's not true at all.
ain't relaxing...

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this picture tells everything that i want to express.

and it's releasing next week.


i just realised that iap is 6 working days and not 5-.-

and my carefree life gonna end soon~

nonetheless, good luck!!!!!!!


down with a bad flu.

it's my bad to walk in the rain.

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addicted to Boys over flower again:)
t's showing twice a week in korea.
hmm. waiting is a torture~

went to the dental yesterday.
doctor gave me this rubber that join all the braces together to close all the gap that i have on the upper
and a superb thick wire on the slower.
they are a torture to me!

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i had a great day with my friends yesterday

nothing could be better than eating!


i'm so wanna gain weight, grow fatter.

anyway, osm was arg? ok?

those that i revised came out and those that i didnt come out too.

is it a good thing? ha!

but i know i will pass~

and there's one more battle to go!

i gonna start revision tmr!

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finally one paper is down!

i hope the exam will end soon, and appt and my birthday to come soon

alright math was kinda easy. i have never feel so confidence before.hahaha


and my hand is healing very fast.

though there's still some discomfort. lol


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